Friday, March 4, 2011

Big News for Couponers at Walmart!!

Walmart Just updated their coupon policy! I guess they finally realized that more and more people are using coupons to try to save money, and they were losing busines to competitors who are more "coupon friendly"
   Here's the highlights....
Walmart accepts the following types of coupons
Competitors' coupons that feature a specific item for a specified price for example, $2.99   ( this one is not very clear but I'll check it out and update later) 

Checkout coupons (also called "Catalinas") that are printed at our competitors' registers, have "Manufacturer Coupon" with specific requirements printed on them, a valid remit address for the manufacturer, valid expiration date, and a scannable bar code.   I Love this!! 

and the most awesome change of all...
The following are guidelines and limitations:
Coupons may exceed the price of the item. Change may be given or applied toward the cost of the basket purchase.

I know I'll be trying this out and I'll update you on how it works out ! 
YOU SHOULD PRINT THIS Walmart Coupon Policy and take it with you ...the cashiers may not be up to date on the new policy!
Thanks to katycouponers for this update!

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