Thursday, March 24, 2011

Free Almay Makeup + $$$

Walgreens has an awesome deal going on Almay products! My daughter and I went buzzing around town and stopped in at several Walgreens in our area to do this deal. You'll need to look for the Spring Beauty Book (near the beauty counters) In it, you'll find a $2 off Almay products coupon Use this and combine with the $2 Coupon from the 3/6 SS.( a MM even without the insert Coupon!) Buy Almay Makeup remover priced at $4.19 less the $4 in coupons (be sure to hand over the insert coupon first) you get it for .20 cents and get a $5 catalina coupon back to use on a future purchase!. The makeup is also on sale from $5.59-5.99.  We were able to find plenty of coupons books available at each store as well as plenty of stock of makeup and remover (No shelf clearing by this couponer!We went to 6 different stores! ). They let us get two each per store. So in the end we paid about $10.50 for everything but got $110 in catalina's!  Thanks to Stephanie and Imm93 from my coupon group for letting me know about this deal!


Anonymous said...

Don't forget the BA get $1 for each Almay eyeshadows they sell so its an incentive for them to sell you more Almay.


Susan S said...

Thanks for that info!