Tuesday, March 29, 2011

If your reading this You may be a couponer so please help!

As I said in an earlier post and/or you may have heard on the news Kroger has decided to discontinue the double/triple coupon policy in Houston and surrounding areas! If your checking this blog or many of the others that are out there, you are probably trying to save money with coupons as well! Kroger does have higher prices than other stores and double /triple coupons have been the main reason I shop there so often, with that being no more (starting on the 13 of April) they will only give face value which means there is no reason to be loyal to them any more! Couponers in the blogging community are trying to change their mind! You can help by writing or calling to let Kroger know that we are a significant part of their shopping demographic by contacting them and voicing your opinion!
1-800-576-4377 Kroger National Customer Service
Kroger District Office – Southwest Marketing Area
Bill Breetz, President
19245 David Memorial Drive
Shenandoah, Texas 77385
The power of the consumer is a mighty thing.... so take a minute out of your day to support this cause!
You can also ask to join the Krogers couponers Group on Facebook because eventually they will have to answer to us there as the members continue to grow !

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